Monday, August 18, 2008

a case of the mondays

First of all, I am so un-tech savvy that when I tried to get a cute blog background -- this happened. If I have time and the patience I'll try again later but I might need some help!!

Onto other news:
So, gloriousness came and went. We are back to a perky wake time of 6:30am. And I checked, gloriousness is a word. It is the noun form of glorious. I hope to be able to use it as a blog title again someday.

Sophie started PT for her toe standing/walking. She has tight heel cords and will most likely need some braces. They aren't terrible looking and fit well into shoes, but it will still be a change! Please pray for us as we need discernment and wisdom on knowing exactly what to do, how much to do, etc.

Other than that, we are doing well and Sophie is starting to relate some sounds with things. For example in the video below, she makes doggie noises (woo woo), kitty (mow - it wasn't her best this morning but she's done it well before), and duck -dat dat is quack quack. She also started to say umm umm for yum yum but of course wouldn't do it the video.
Anyways, enjoy!

Oh, and if you're wondering why she's wearing a bib in her crib - it is because after 2 offerings of breakfast (in her high chair) that she refused (mind you I pureed fresh fruit for her cereal and she still refused), I decided to give her some yogurt but didn't feel like getting her out of bed and bringing her downstairs. A case of the mondays.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So when did Sophie start putting words together? I was wondering because I try to get Lydia to do that and she can't but she is a little behind anyway.