We had a fun filled Halloween day! This morning began with a haircut for mommy, carving pumpkins (while listening to Christmas music -who can resist?), pizza for dinner, and of course passing out candy and trick or treating. Sophie was a ladybug again. The costume from last year still fit, so why not right? Claire was a bumble bee. They were our cute little bugs.
Sophie really enjoyed Halloween this year. We had prepped her for what to say when she went up to the doors, and what to say once she received her candy. Bill walked around with her while Claire and I stayed back and passed out the candy. Bill said she did well. She sometimes said thank you first, got her candy and then said trick or treat. But at least she said something! I was amazed at how many kids just came up to receive their candy without saying a word, like it was owed to them. What is our world coming to when kids can't even say thank you!?!?! One little girl actually told me (in a very rude tone) "I don't like peanut butter" after I gave her a reese's candy bar. Hmm, I told her that maybe her mommy or daddy would like it, and Happy Halloween. Stunned. Anyways, it was fun to see Sophie enjoy the day, and a lot of candy. Now lets just hope she sleeps well.
Our "pumpkin family"